Woooohoooo! It's been a lot of work but mainly a lot of fun ;-)!
I think this is the right moment to say a big thank you to my good friend Jeff who has been supporting me from the other side of the world looking over my articles as four eyes see more than two :-).
Jeff and me at the 'Swing Thing' |
The second big thank you goes to my colleague and friend Diego here in Melbourne! He is the one who did the whole set up and adjusted the blog in any way I wanted plus gave me some training on how to fix things myself and how to do any of this really :-).
This blog is about my time travelling and how I build as much dancing into it as possible. It's a swing dancing story. I'll be telling you about my experience in different places, dancing classes and events. You'll also find out about people I meet and there are little side stories that are somehow linked to dancing.
All articles I've written so far will appear as posted today. However, I back dated some of them, so you can see when things took place.
That's it from me for now. Enjoy ;-)!