North Melbourne Interviews


Dancing for/since:  4 years
Teacher for/since: 1,5 years

A favorite tune Favourite tune?
'All The Cats Join in' as it's a great song to dance shag to. Although The California Feetwarmers are one of my favourite dancing bands at the moment.

One dancing experience you'll never forget:
A dancing experience I'll never forget is watching my original Shag teachers, Glenn and Rachel, dancing some social shag. They were so fluid and smooth in their movements.
Photo by Fudz Quazi
What makes your class a good class to come to?
I think Annabelle and myself are able to go in depth for both the lead and follow technique so that both roles are always learning something. We always make sure that we're giving feedback and advice to both roles.

(Annabelle and Nial run monthly Shag classes. But at North Melbourne both Julia and Nial were filling in for Kara and Keith, who normally teach that class)

Comments by me:
Nial is hasn't been teaching for that long. It was a special situation with him because no one was teaching a dedicated series of Shag classes. He became a teacher because he was passionate about the dance and wanted to see more of it.
You can't miss that if you watch him dancing the Shag


Dancing for/since: 2008 (Swing)
Teacher for/since: 2010
